List of Works
Many of Partch's works exist in several versions, only some of which are listed below.
Seventeen Lyrics by Li Po (1930-33)
1. The Long Departed Lover
2. On the City Street
3. An Encounter in the Field
4. The Intruder
5. On Ascending the Sin-Ping Tower
6. In the Spring-time on the South Side of the Yangtze Kiang
7. The Night of Sorrow
8. On Hearing the Flute in the Yellow Crane House
9. On Hearing the Flute at Lo-cheng One Spring Night
10. A Dream
11. On Seeing off Meng Hao-jan
12. On the Ship of Spice-wood
13. With a Man of Leisure
14. A Midnight Farewell
15. Before the Cask of Wine
16. By the Great Wall
17. I Am a Peach Tree
For Voice and Adapted Viola
Text by Li Po (Li Bai), translated by Shigeyoshi Obata
Two Psalms (1931-32, 1941, 1943)
The Lord Is My Shepherd
For Voice, Chromelodeon I, and Kithara I
Text from Psalm 23
By the Rivers of Babylon
For Voice, Adapted Viola, Chromelodeon I, and Kithara I
Text from Psalm 137
The Potion Scene (1931, 1955)
For Voice, two High Female Voices, Adapted Viola, Chromelodeon I, Kithara II, Bass Marimba, and Marimba Eroica
Text by Shakespeare
The Wayward (1941-43, 1955, 1958, 1968)
Texts by or collected by Harry Partch
1. Barstow—Eight Hitchhiker Inscriptions from a Highway Railing at Barstow, California
For Objective Voice, Subjective Voice, Surrogate Kithara, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, and Boo
2. San Francisco—A Setting of the Cries of Two Newsboys on a Foggy Night in the Twenties
For two Voices, Cello, Kithara II, Chromelodeon I
3. The Letter—A Depression Message from a Hobo Friend
For Voice, Kithara II, Harmonic Canon II, Surrogate Kithara, Diamond Marimba, and Bass Marimba
4. U.S. Highball—A Musical Account of a Transcontinental Hobo Trip
For Subjective Voice, Several Objective Voices, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Harmonic Canon II, Chromelodeon I, Bloboy, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, and Spoils of War
Yankee Doodle Fantasy (1944)
For Soprano, Tin Flutes, Tin Oboe, Flex-A-Tones, and Chromelodeon I
Text largely collected by Oscar Sonneck
Dark Brother (1942-43, 1949)
For Voice, Chromelodeon I, Adapted Viola, Kithara I, and Bass Marimba
Text by Thomas Wolfe
Two Settings from Joyce's Finnegan's Wake (1944)
1. Isobel
2. Annah the Allmaziful
For Soprano, Kithara I, and two Flutes
Text by James Joyce
"I'm very happy to be able to tell you
about this..." (1945)
For Soprano, Baritone, Kithara I, and Indian Drum
Text from a broadcast transcription by Warren Ward
Score nonextant
Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales (1946, 1949)
1. Olympos' Pentatonic
2. Archytas' Enharmonic
For Harmonic Canon II and Bass Marimba
Eleven Intrusions (1949-50)
1. & 2. Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales
For Harmonic Canon II and Bass Marimba
3. The Rose
For Voice, Adapted Guitar II, and Diamond Marimba
Text by Ella Young
4. The Crane
For Voice, Adapted Guitar II, and Diamond Marimba
Text by Ki no Tsurayuki, translated by Arthur Waley
5. The Waterfall
For Voice, Adapted Guitar II, Diamond Marimba, and Cymbal
Text by Ella Young
6. The Wind
For Voice, Harmonic Canon II, and Bass Marimba
Texts by Ella Young and Lao-Tse (Laozi)
7. The Street
For Voice, Harmonic Canon II, and Bass Marimba
Text by Willard Motley
8. Lover
For Voice, Soprano, Adapted Guitar I, Adapted Guitar II, Bass Marimba, and Cloud-Chamber Bowls
Text by George Leite
9. Soldiers—War—Another War
For Voice, Adapted Guitar I, Harmonic Canon II, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, and Cloud-Chamber Bowls
Texts by Giuseppe Ungaretti, translated by William Fense Weaver
10. Vanity
For Voice, Adapted Guitar I, Adapted Guitar II, Adapted Guitar III
Note that the Adapted Guitar I referred to here is nonextant, and the Adapted Guitar III referred to here is now called Adapted Guitar I
Text by Giuseppe Ungaretti, translated by William Fense Weaver
11. Cloud-Chamber Music
For Voices, Adapted Viola, Adapted Guitar I, Kithara I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, and Deer-Hoof Rattle
Incorporates a Zuñi melody
Plectra and Percussion Dances (1949-52)
Castor and Pollux—A Dance for the Twin Rhythms of Gemini
For Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, and Cloud-Chamber Bowls
Ring Around the Moon—A Dance Fantasm for Here and Now
For Baritone, Adapted Guitar I, Adapted Guitar II, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, and Cymbal
Texts by Harry Partch
Even Wild Horses—Dance Music for an Absent Drama
For Baritone, Adapted Viola, Adapted Guitar I, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, Japanese Temple Bell, and Cymbal
Texts by Arthur Rimbaud
Oedipus—A Music-Dance-Drama (1951, 1952-54, 1967)
Bass - Oedipus
Tenor-Baritone - Chorus Spokesman
Bass - Tiresias and the Herdsman
Low Soprano - Jocasta
Six Sopranos - Chorus
For the above cast and Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Adapted Viola, Cello, String Bass, Adapted Guitar I, Adapted Guitar II, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Chromelodeon I, Chromelodeon II, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Gourd Tree, and Cone Gongs
Text by Harry Partch, based on the play by Sophocles
Two Settings from Lewis Carroll (1954)
1. The Mock Turtle Song
For Voice, Surrogate Kithara, and Spoils of War
Text by Lewis Carroll
2. O Frabjous Day!
For Voice, Harmonic Canon II, and Bass Marimba
Text by Lewis Carroll
Ulysses at the Edge (1955)
For Voice, Alto Saxophone or Trumpet, Baritone Saxophone, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Boo, and Cloud-Chamber Bowls
Text by Harry Partch
The Bewitched—A Ballet Satire (1955)
Soprano - The Witch
Chorus of Instrumentalists
For the above cast and Clarinet, Adapted Viola, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, and Spoils of War
The Bewitched—A Dance Satire (1955)
Soprano - The Witch
Chorus of Instrumentalists
For the above cast and Piccolo, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Cello, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Koto, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, and Gong
Windsong (1958)
For a film by Madeline Tourtelot
For Adapted Viola, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, and Spoils of War
Later rewritten as Daphne of the Dunes
Revelation in the Courthouse Park—After The Bacchae of Euripides (1960)
Baritone - Dion and Dionysus
Tenor-Baritone - Sonny and Pentheus
Soprano - Mom and Agave
Contralto - Korypheus
Chorus of Eight Women
Chorus of Four Men
The Herdsman
The Guard
Marching Band - two Piccolos, three Trumpets, two Trombones, Tuba, Snare Drum, and Bass Drum
Two Guitarists
Four Twirlers and Majorettes
Eight Clog Dancers
Four Tumblers
For the above cast and Adapted Viola, String Bass, Adapted Guitar I, Adapted Guitar II, Harmonic Canon I, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara I, Kithara II, Crychord, Chromelodeon I, Chromelodeon II, Bloboy, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, Cone Gongs, and Drone Devils
Text by Harry Partch, based on the play by Euripides
Rotate the Body in All Its Planes (1961)
For an exhibition of gymnasts
For Chorus, two Piccolos, three Trumpets, two Trombones, Tuba, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, String Bass, Adapted Guitar I, Harmonic Canon II, Crychord, Chromelodeon I, Chromelodeon II, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, and Spoils of War
Text by Harry Partch
Bless this Home (1961)
For Voice, Oboe, Adapted Viola, Kithara I, Harmonic Canon II, and Mazda Marimba
Text by Vincenzo Prockelo
Water! Water!—An Intermission with Prologues and Epilogues (1961)
An unfinished work
For a large cast and Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, two Violins, Viola, Cello, String Bass, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Chromelodeon II, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Spoils of War, Jazz Percussion, and Jazz Ensemble
Text by Harry Partch
And on the Seventh Day Petals Fell in Petaluma
For Adapted Guitar II, Harmonic Canon I, Harmonic Canon II, Harmonic Canon III, Kithara I, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Koto, Crychord, Chromelodeon I, Chromelodeon II, Bloboy, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, Mazda Marimba, Zymo-Xyl, Gourd Tree, Cone Gongs, Drone Devils, and Gubagubi
Delusion of the Fury—A Ritual of Dream and
Delusion (1965-66)
For Adapted Guitar I, Adapted Guitar II, Harmonic Canon I, Harmonic Canon II, Harmonic Canon III, Kithara I, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Koto, Crychord, Chromelodeon I, Chromelodeon II, Bloboy, Diamond Marimba, Quadrangularis Reversum, Bass Marimba, Marimba Eroica, Boo, Eucal Blossom, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, Mazda Marimba, Zymo-Xyl, Gourd Tree, Cone Gongs, Ugumbo, Bolivian Double Flute, Fiji Rhythm Boat, two Waving Drums, Rotating Drum, two Belly Drums, Gourd Drum, six sets of Bamboo Claves, four sets of Eucal Claves, Thumb Piano, Drone Devils, Gubagubi, Mama Cry Horn, and Bass Drum
Daphne of the Dunes (1967)
A dance work that is a rewriting of Windsong
For Adapted Viola, Harmonic Canon II, Kithara II, Surrogate Kithara, Chromelodeon I, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Boo, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Spoils of War, Gourd Tree, and Cone Gongs
The Dreamer That Remains—A Study in Loving (1972)
For a film by Stephen Pouliot
For Narrating Voice, Singing Voice, Chorus, Adapted Viola, Adapted Guitar I, Harmonic Canon I, New Harmonic Canon I, Harmonic Canon III, New Kithara I, Chromelodeon II, Quadrangularis Reversum, Boo II, Eucal Blossom, Mbira Bass Dyad, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Gourd Tree, and two Ektaras
Text by Harry Partch